Wares Ferry Road Elementary School

Engage... Educate... Inspire

  • Chromebook Usage Tips

    Please take care of your Chromebook! Technology provides students with easy-to-access information, accelerated learning, and fun opportunities to practice what they learn.

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  • Virtual Learning Tips for Parents

    Virtual Learning Tips for Parents

    As many MPS families continue, their experience having their child attend school virtually –even parents with experience can use some fresh ideas to start the new school year. Here are proven tips from teachers and parents of virtual school students to help your child get ready!

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  • Covid-Wear A Mask

    Covid-Wear A Mask

    Combining prevention steps, including having everyone wear a mask correctly, keeping people 6 ft apart, handwashing, cleaning and maintaining healthy environments & contact tracing. Phased school reopening based on community transmission levels. Increased testing. Vaccinating teachers, staff, & the community

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Stay Connected

Please be sure to ask your child's teacher about ClassDojo or Remind so that you can stay connected to school and classroom news! Also, don't forget to follow Wares Ferry Road Elementary on Facebook.  www.facebook.com/waresferryroadelementary


  • Wares Ferry Rd. Elementary extends a very warm welcome to our school.  We are a wonderful elementary school in the heart of the Wares Ferry Community with the best students and families.  We have some great kids that have experienced hard work and continuous effort of improving their academic progress of which we are most proud of.  

    There is a very special community of educators here at our school, and the collaboration with parents to develop educational growth and achievement is our utmost focus.  Our process of working for student success has been a partnership of perseverance.  We pull together to overcome obstacles.  Our staff is hardworking and committed to the students of Wares Ferry Rd. Elementary.   Collaboratively we work and professionally develop our instructional craft to give our students the best opportunities for success.

    All of us working together we are committed to the Wares Ferry Rd. Community, to secure the students' futures with a clear purpose of striving for academic improvement each and every day.  As principal I am excited about working with the students of Wares Ferry Rd. Elementary and look forward to a wonderful year.

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